>My name is Trish and I am an IBCLC in Bridgeport, PA.  I'm sorry to
>post a question on my first message, but I have a pressing issue about
>which a mom-to-be and a doctor are waiting an answer.  The mom is 5
>months pregnant and has a nipple ring (ow!).  Her doctor told her that
>people with pierced nipples can't breastfeed because ducts are
>severed.  Any comments?  Thanks--I look forward to learning so much
>from all of you!
Believe it or not, this discussion came on on misc.kids.pregnancy
newsgroup and the conclusion from many mothers who had done it (I didn't
know so many women had pierced nipples!) was that it was usually
perfectly possible and most didn't even bother removing the ring (the
permenant ones can't come off in the baby's mouth).

I am afraid I didn't save the thread, but it went on for quite a while.
It was about a year ago.
Anna (mummy to Emma, born 17th Jan 1995 and Alice, born 11th Sept 1996)
Email: [log in to unmask]  Web Page: http://www.ratbag.demon.co.uk/anna