FROM: Sturgess, Frances Coulter
TO:[log in to unmask]
SUBJECT: waters/precision in language
DATE: 12-17-96   13:57 EST

Kudos to Maureen Minchin re: oil/mineral water controversy. For more info The
Center for the Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a nutrition information
and lobbying nonprofit group in Washington DC has published numerous articles
about Water Quality and what people can do about it.  I do not recall
references specifically to dangers of reconstituted ABM (its been awhile since
i read these) but do know that around here, well water, bottled waters and
sanitation/plumbing are addressed when doing ABM teaching.  I have called
Brita (maker of home/pitcher filters) and they have had so many q's about
fluoride that it is part of their recorded response (no it is not filtered
out, baby still gets, we still get the fluoride)

OUr local newspaper also ran an article this month regarding aging of the city
water supply/plumbing nationwide and trouble areas for waterborne disease
outbreaks--imagine the CDC would have info on this too.  So its not just
mineral water we need to watch.