Catherine Watson Genna noted:

<< That said, there is an emotional component to pain *perception*.
 Some mothers are more sensitive or more vigilant regarding pain than
 others.  >>

I agree, and I think one of the things we need to check out with moms is how
their nipples feel during their periods, during the pregnancy, and during
lovemaking.  Some women cannot absolutely tolerate much stimulation even
during lovemaking, and for some women, the sensitivity in their nipples was
painful even during pregnancy or during their periods.  What makes us think
it is going to magically be OK during breastfeeding.  Remember the old thing
about "Oh, you have fair skin/red hair so you are automatically going to have
sore nipples?"  Well, I don't believe that, but I do believe that there are
some women who are going to have more difficulty (all sucking things being
equal) than others simply because of their skin sensitivity.  It can be
overcome, but it probably won't be automatic.

Jan B -- waiting for the flames......