In a message dated 96-11-30 01:42:01 EST, Anna writes:
<< Btw, I wondered if anyone knows where I can forward private emails I get
 from various women saying "I saw you on the InterNet and I've got this
 terrible breastfeeding problem, please can you help?...". >>

I would refer them to ILCA phone no. for members in their area and tell them
to ask for IBCLC; LLL for support groups in their area; advise the purchase
of a good bf book such as Womanly Art.  You can maybe gauge how serious the
problem is and direct them accordingly.  It is so tempting to offer help, but
so often there is so much more to the problem than what they tell you in an
email, and often may not know baby is in trouble until a skilled health care
provider looks at the babe or the mom.  IMHO. Warmly,
Laurie Wheeler, Rnc, Mn, Ibclc
Violet LA