In message  <[log in to unmask]> Discussion of Bee
Biology writes:
> Can anyone let me know the name and contact details of the
> European producers or distributors of formic acid-based varroa
> control products, specifically Illertisser-Milben-Platen and
> Kramer plates.
> Many thanks
> Andrew
Producer and distributor of the Kraemer plate:
Kurt Kraemer
Langgasse 40
65329 Hohenstein, Germany
Tel: ++49 6120 5523
(The Kraemer plate is not yet legally allowed for treatment against Varroa.)
The only formic acid product legally allowed in Germany is the
Illertissener plate. As a registered chemical the Illertissener plate
is only allowed to be sold by a pharmacist (maybe there are exceptions for
re-sellers), or distributed by beekeeping clubs. So, I am sorry, I do not
have a adress for the Illertissener plate.
Michael Haberl
Zoologisches Institut der Uni Muenchen         Tel: ++49 89 5902-444
Luisenstr. 14                                  Fax: ++49 89 5902-450
80333 Muenchen, Germany   E-mail: [log in to unmask]