There are two good articles in November 1996 American bee journal
addressing this issue "Beware of off-spec Corn Syrup for Bee feeding
reprinted from Hivelights, August,1996 Canadian Honey Coucil" and " Using
Mixtures of different Sugars to Feed Bees by Raymond Nabors University of
Missouri Extension". From the first article they state that High HMF levels
are very toxic to bees as indicated in the literature.  The second article
deals with the acceptance of dextrose, sucrose and mixtures.
I believe beet sugar is mostly sucrose so it should be ok check with the
source of the sugar or get additional info on the composition.  If it has
fructose or too much dextrose find a different source of feed.
I think dextrose which is used extensively (softdrinks) is produced by
recombinant bacteria in large digesters. It has increasingly shown up in
household products.
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               (   (__)_)_/  )\ \>  Mike Griggs  [log in to unmask]
                \__/     \__/\/\/        Entomologist
>Is there an difference in using beet sugar vs cane sugar for spring and fall
>feeding? One of our beekeeping association members was told by someone that
>the bees would not accept the  beet sugar or it would make them  sick. He
>couldn't remember which. Is there any truth to this statement.