Need to double check on this drug for compatibility with breastfeeding. Mom
has Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, is currently pregnant and seeking info
regarding continuing treatments. Mother has not been treated during
pregnancy, wants to know if she can resume during lactation.

For treatments, mom is given a tourniquet on arm, and then injections
consisting  of xylocaine, bupivicaine, heparin, versed and bretylium. Most
appear immediately compatible with exception of versed, which info
fortunately says disappears completely from milk in 4 hrs-- so far, so good.
Bretylium, the other question mark, shows some concerns for pregnancy, but no
breastfeeding data (Briggs). Can anyone give me further information as to
whether this mother should be able to resume treatments, or alternatives?

-Lisa Marasco, BA, LLLL, IBCLC