As reported in the AAP News (The Official Newspaper of the American
Academy of Pediatrics), November 1996, the AAP chapter officers voted
on resolutions during the Annual Chapter Forum in September.  Of
interest are:

#36 - Formula Promotion by Obstetricians - *ADOPTED*
Resolved, that the Academy initiate discussions with the American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists about the deleterious impact
of prenatal formula promotion campaigns on subsequent breastfeeding

#62 - Vitamin D Supplementation of Breastfed Infants - *ADOPTED*
Resolved, that the Academy's Committee on Nutrition study and issue a
statement on vitamin D supplementation for breastfed infants.

#63 - Third Party Payers Should Compensate for Breastfeeding
Management Visits by Certified Lactation Consultants - *ADOPTED*
<text long, let me know if you'd like it>

#64 - Academy Support of Certified Lactation Consultant Services to
Breastfeeding Mothers - *DEFEATED*
Resolved, that the Academy recommend that all hospital maternity
services employ an IBCLC to provide expert lactation supervision toward
facilitating successful breastfeeding ....and that the Academy urge HMOs
and pediatric groups to utilize the breastfeeding expertise of CLCs as
part of their ongoing support of nursing mothers.

#67 - Sale of Hospital Registration Lists to Formula Companies -
Resolved, that the Academy encourage the American Hospital
Association, and other appropriate hospital organizations, to alert their
members that the sale of preregistration lists of maternity patients to
formula manufacturing companies may have a deleterious impact on
subsequent breastfeeding success.

They also passed a resolution that they will "publish a list of
magazines...that neither accept advertising for tobacco products, nor are
supported by the tobacco industry....and encourage members to
consider supporting publications that are free from tobacco advertising"
Could formula be next?

Debi VanderMey Barr, MS, RD, LD
Portland, Oregon      [log in to unmask]