Cindy writes,
<< I have encountered pregnant women whose vehement opposition to
 breastfeeding makes me wonder what their sexual history was like. I
 remember one woman who said, "Breastfeed?? Me?? NEVER!  That is nasty,
 nasty, nasty!!!"

I have a mom right now -- baby number 4 -- who HATES bf.  Did it because it
was good for the babies (for 8 weeks), but tells me she got in a cold sweat
every time she had to bf; she absolutely detested doing it; she would
postpone feeds because she "had" to bf, and she usually ended up pumping &
putting in a bottle.

After we chatted for awhile, I suggested she just start off with pumping and
putting it in a bottle (baby has a fx clavicle on one side and a fx humerus
on the other side!!) if that would make her feel better.  Saw her today, and
she said, "Oh, you can't imagine how much better I feel pumping and putting
it in a bottle.  I am looking forward to taking him home now because I can do
it this way.  And, I might, later on, put him to the breast because I can do
it on my terms, not because I HAVE to."  We also talked about why she might
have the feelings she did, and she says she can't think of anything in her
past that might cause her to feel this way about bf.  I didn't push her, but
let her talk....we'll see if anything comes up later on.  Wouldn't you know,
she has the BEST breasts & nipples in the whole world for bf!  And she
produces "tons" of milk.  Drat!

Jan of Wheaton