On Wed, 13 Nov 1996, Lesley Robinson wrote:

> At the risk of being pounced upon and shouted at I would like to add to the
> recent discussion that I believe that breastfeeding IS sexual and that
> there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  We are all so hung up about
> sex being somehow sordid and separate from the beautiful act of conceiving
> and nurturing a child.  Let us not forget that the biological purpose of
> sex is procreation and that lactation is part of that process.
> Breastfeeding is part of our sexuality and that is a good thing.  There are
> two things that need to be pleasurable in order for the species to survive
> - sexual intercourse and breastfeeding.  What wonderful mechanisms our
> bodies have in providing the chemicals that make this all work so well.

I couldn't clip anything out! At the risk of disagreeing with one of my
favorite ladies, Kathy D., I have to agree here.  I think this post is the
most accurate opinion I have read so far on this thread.  I believe
Kitzinger covers this quite well in her works as well.

Heidi Murphy
Peer Counselor