Regarding the guilt issue...I had the pleasure of hearing Kathleen
Detwiller and Kathy Liles present an eloquent CE session at the USWD La
Leche conference this past summer.  The session was entitled "The Infant
Feeding Decision Making Process" and is available on tape.  (While there
were so many excellent CE sessions, I have to say this was the
best--direct, factual, and entertaining).  I highly recommend that every
LC, LLLL, Pediatrician, OB, Midwife and FP listen to this tape.  It lucidly
separates the difference between regret and guilt, and why we shouldn't be
afraid that promoting bf will cause guilt.  It has some outstanding clips
from public health PSAs on why if you don't use a car seat you WILL kill
your baby.  Let me know if you need more info on how to get a copy of the
tape, and/or if anyone else agrees/disagrees with my appraisal of the

   Chris Hafner-Eaton, PhD,MPH,CHES,IBCLC email: [log in to unmask]
   HSR & Educational Consultant         fax:   541 753 7340
  Health Improvement Research Services  voice:   541 753-7340