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From: KEN LAWRENCE <[log in to unmask]>
Newsgroups: sci.agriculture.beekeeping
Subject: Re: Pitiful Sight Update
Date: 9 Nov 1996 05:20:40 GMT
Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services
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    I used 1 quart jars with a boardman feeder on the biggest part of my
hives.  Some I used a top feeder.  I lost bees (hive is empty of bees)
using both methods.  I used 1 cc of wintergreen per qt. sugar syurp.  I
ordered the oil from Lorann Oils of Lansing Mi.  I treated my hives for
almost 40-45 days and them taking about 5 quarts each.  My hives (double
Hivebodies) all had a full hivebody of stores and still have the stores
but not a single bee dead or alive in 24 hives.  I have 4 single hives
that don't have enough bees to cover a single frame.  I will let them die
out.  I have three hives (double bodies) that have a fair amount of bees
but doubt if they make the winter as very small amount of Capped brood.  I
really don't know what has saved the three remaining hives as they are
covered with Varroa.  Have Apistan strips on now with sticky boards and
boards are coated with mites.  Had good weather as bees were still
scrounging feed around the Honey house.  All I know is I will use Apistan
from now on.  Costly but lesson learned.