RE:   request for day care and breastfeeding information

Have you seen the "Breastfed Babies Welcome Here" materials from
USDA?  They were specifically designed for day care centers. There is
a book for mothers that a child care provider can use to encourage
mothers to breastfeed.  There is also a poster, and a book for child
care providers.  The book has a reference to a curriculum developed
in Colorado.  Available from the Colorado Breastfeeding Task Force.

This past summer we (Minnesota WIC, CACFP, Extension, and DHS)
jointly sponsored a videoconference on supporting the breastfeeding
woman who returns to work or school.  We are just finishing editing
the video from the conference now.  (It was not professionally
recorded, and it shows.  Has a panel, including day care
providers and mother's who use child care discussing some of the
issues.  Also an overview of breastfeeding benefits, and basics, and
tips on returning to work or school.  )  If you are interested let me
know, and I will email the info on getting a copy of the tape when it
is available.

My appologies if someone has already posted this reference--I've been
out of the office, and catching up on some older posts today.

Mary Johnson