        What a terrible tragedy for this mom to lose her baby to SIDS.
And how brave of her to be willing to share her pumping experience.
        Could you sound her out regarding possible scenarios and
questions and see if she is still comfortable with the idea of appearing
on the panel?
        In my experience, mothers who have lost babies are somehow not
expected to grieve--from stillbirths to SIDS, after a week or so society
seems to expect these families to be back to normal (whatever that is)
and sweep the whole episode of the baby's death under the rug.  (Does
this make those around them feel better by not having to deal with the
death?  I don't get it)
        This mom may be willing to do this to affirm herself as this
baby's mother.  I have had mothers who lost their babies call me for
months and months afterward b/c I would discuss their baby and their
motherhood with them.  Rather sad.....
Karen Zeretzke, MEd IBCLC
Baton Rouge, Louisiana