In a message dated 10/30/96 4:29:27 PM, you wrote:

<< The baby is about 6 months old.  For the past couple months he has only
been having bowel movements once every 14 days (approximately).  He seems
perfectly healthy to her, and doesn't act uncomfortable.  She described him
as rarely gassy, good color, above average development, and happy.   The
doctor has told her this can be a normal pattern for breastfed babies.   It
just seems weird to her because none of her other babies have done this>>

I once had a mother in my LLL group several years ago whose baby went only
once every *3* weeks! Baby was otherwise fat and healthy and happy, and when
he went, HE WENT!   Yes, this can be normal and is merely the far right end
of the bell-shaped curve.  One note: the babies whom I have seen who "save it
all up" are often quite large and roly-poly. They do eventually thin out as
they grow older......

-Lisa Marasco, BA, LLLL, IBCLC