My apologies to those who are less then entertained by my efforts, the
devil makes me do it.  ttul Andy-
PUFF, PUFF on the Beekeeper and His Bees, but NOT TO WORRY Betty Crocker
is coming to the rescue according to San Francisco newspapers reports
of November 3, 1996.
As General Mills reduces the amount of honey they purchase annually to
add to their many products advertised as containing HONEY by millions of
dollars they are puffing a cut out contest giving 25 cents for each bee
cut from the HONEY NUT CHEERIOS box to bee science, limited to up to
$100,000., a impressive amount until you consider it will go to 3
institutions and require the purchases of 400,000 boxes of Honey Nut
Cheerios by Jan 31, 1997 and the postage to send them in.
Heck, I am only on my 2nd box and my blood pressure has risen maybe
because of all the salt in this product, (or its promotion). Honey
Nut Cheerios would do better as a bar nut replacement then a kids
breakfast food but it may be far more expensive then nuts. And for my
cat, I am not sure but he may have to go to the vet as he has been
acting strange and may have impacted intestines or something. He has
been aiding me by consuming as much of the product as I can force on him
which looks to him like the real thing, expensive cat food anyway. God
knows that I have poked fun at those who like PAN from our hispanic
community but how anyone can eat these so called manufactured food
products in their slick boxes and with the advertising bidets that would
get Punchus Pilot easily elected president is more reflective of a sick
society then the few cents worth of grain they contain. And to think
this all revolved from a crank doctors idea that pre adolescent boys
would not play with themselves in bed at night if they had whole grain
dry cereal for breakfast. HA, didn't work for me near as well as
the boxing gloves I wore to bed.
According to a wire report from Scripps-Mcclatchy News Service, written
by Pam Slater, published 11/3/96 in the San Francisco newspapers,
have already "killed nearly all of the country's wild honeybees and more
than 60 percent of commercial bees." PUFF, PUFF this time on the wild
weed...maybee legal to grow in California by the time you all read this!
Projected "annual losses to the American economy could run as high as
$5.7 billion" so the experts say. One of these being UC-Davis honey bee
expert Dr. Eric Mussen who goes on to lament, "We've never had anything
before that eliminated bees like this. Right now, probably 90 percent or
more of the wild honeybees are gone." (This is not to say they have not
tried, with pesticides, and this from the Dr. Mussen who provided
the sworn expert bee science, (BS), testimony to the courts, that caused
many hives to be killed and put some good long time family beekeepers
out of business because of a California quarantine he supported, but
then he had nothing to lose.)
According to high officials of GM, Inc., The money raised will go
towards research to eradicate the mites. I would guess the honey
producers themselves could have provided this much money and more but
for the dramatic reduction of honey used by GM down from 6 million
pounds to less then 2 million pounds, maybe they figured we beekeepers
could use the help...Mussen also says "that the loss in California has
not been as bad because we have so many commercial beekeepers and use
pesticides to kill the mites. But not so for the Northeast where
millions of wild honeybees are now dead."  Very perceptive from the UC
Davis, California Extension Beekeeper who would have a hard time getting
money to even go to a state line beekeepers meeting if it was held on
the other side of the line. Pass the hat around again boys another one
of those who can't live on his Dr's wages and spare a little of his own
money for a day or two with the industry who he is supposed to be part
of...without any personal sacrifice I guess is the rule.
The article goes on to quote Steve Easter, my own one time almond field
representative from the Almond Growers marketing CoOp who made it to the
top as president, and he should know better, he tells how the 7,000
almond farmers in California have paid $2 million more last year for
bees to pollinate their crops which have not been effected in size by
the mites to date. I challenge anyone who can show me that paying more
for bees because of the lack of them would bring the dead one's back to
life, other then on paper...anyway this is only one of dozen's of
stories that have been put on the wire in response to, or PUFFing the
General Mills press release on "Saving the Bees".
               Enjoy your HONEY NUT CHEERIOS, ttul, the OLd Drone
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 ~ QMPro 1.53 ~ Oh, no! Not ANOTHER learning experience!