The query from Lynne Lewis about software was frightening indeed. There is
no such thing as a software package that will satisfy everyone's needs at
the user level. We should have learned that.
Do you know anyone who has used Park Service ANCS who thinks that it is
efficient, speedy, and useful? Think real hard now.  ANCS was one of those
attempts to build an omnivore that became a monster.
A more rational approach would be to network, and then specify output
standards, apply the relational model, and stop worrying about what is
happening on each pc in the system.
 |___|__\__==    "There are three fine arts:
 | _ |  |  --]   painting, sculpture, and            <DARWIN><
 =(O)-----(O)=   ornamental pastry-making,          "     "
================ of which architecture is a branch"
                                       ---- Fournier le jeune
Ned Heite, town crank and contract archaeologist, Camden, Delaware