---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 1996 12:37:44 -0000
From: William H. Adams <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list HISTARCH <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: New `ATIQOT--A Mixed Bag (fwd)
I was trying to be helpful to someone who was obviously lacking in
knowledge about the discipline of historical archaeology. You must be a
lay person or undergraduate. Biblical archaeology uses textual data, as
does Greek, Roman, Chinese, etc. archaeology. But that does not make it
into that discipline normally called historical archaeology. I suggest
you attend a Society for Historical Archaeology meeting or read its
journal, Historical Archaeology, before you shoot off your mouth about
something you know so little.
Furthermore, if you will note, I sent you the message privately, to save
you the embarassment of having my message posted to the HISTARCH list. I
suggest you take an ethics course on revealing private correspondence to
the public. What I said in that message was meant for you alone, but if
you choose to tell hundreds of people how ignorant you are about
historical archaeology that is your business.
Biblical archaeology posts belong elsewhere, on ARCH-L  perhaps, and on
other lists. But not on HISTARCH. It is a waste of band width.
William H. Adams