Jacquie wrote:
<<<A woman, who weaned 16 months ago, has just had uncomfortable
breasts and massaged them, only to get a few drops of *something*. It
was a yellowish oily fluid, not sweet. Also separated, "like salad
dressing", ie the fluid had clear and opaque parts.>>>

I read your post and checked. I can still express a few drops of a
very similar * something* from one pore on each side, and I weaned
eight years ago.  Several of my weaned breastfeeding friends can get
a few drops like this too.  None of us have other breast symptoms so
we figure its OK if it is not uncommon.

Come on all you long-weaned Lactnetters, unbutton your shirts,
practice your expressing skills, and report back to us. Who holds the
record? I suspect this is not too unusual. Or is it just more common
in those of us who work in this field?

Having said that, I would always encourage a mother to see her
doctor if she has any concern *whatsoever*  about her breasts.
Breast cancer presents in many ways and early detection is the most
important factor for the best outcome.

Ros Escott B.App.Sc IBCLC