To      : Jeanette F. Panchula
Re      : Olanzaprine (Zyrex)

Olanzaprine is a potent neuroleptic drug primarily used for treating
schizophrenia.  It has a number of typical side effects including
extrapyramidal symptoms, occassional elevated liver enzymes, and other typical
side effects characteristic of these families of drugs.

There is no data that I can find on its transfer into breastmilk but I would
assume some of it does transfer simply due to its lipophilicity.
Unfortunately,  it has a 27 hour half-life and requires glucoronidation for
urinary excretion, which as you know is not very functional in newborn livers
(it would probably tend to build up over time in the infant).

I do not think this would be a suitable drug to use in a breastfeeding mother.

Tom Hale