Let me get this straight, Jane Seymour is the spokesperson, right? NOT Dr.
Quinn, Medicine Woman? But, according to the people at UNICEF, "positive"
comments spoken on a fictional show by a fictional character are supposed to
counteract the *real* Jane Seymour's bottlefeeding?

If you've seen the ad, you'll notice she looks wonderfully happy
bottlefeeding those twins, not in the least bit, "distressed."

The only way around this is for J.S. to make a public statement apologizing
for portraying bottlefeeding as the way to feed your baby and to get Clairol
to change the ad. They should change it not by merely lopping off the scene
in whch JS is bottlefeeding, but by re-shooting the ad showing her
BREASTFEEDING!!! Then, the re-done ad needs considerable play time.

Not only does this portrayal of bottlefeeding convey the message that
beautiful, successful, actress/mom Jane Seymour bottlefeeds her twins and
therefore it's hunky-dorie for everyone else. But something subtle is
conveyed as well: supposedly those twins are hale, hearty and healthy from
being raised on mom's finest. But, by showing them being bottlefed by the
mother, the conclusion is that they are hale, hearty and healthy from being

Margaret Ann