Wendy Ban wrote
>In regard to marking queens:
>What substances (besides expensive queen marking paint sold
>as such) can one use?  Testor's model enamel?  White-Out?
>Other?  Are certain paints toxic to the queen?  Is water-
We sell a number of different preparations for queen marking. Colored
plastic numbered dots complete with glue at $33.35, all the colors from
1-99+, vital if you want to keep track of the pedigree of your queens.
        Marking pens, just needs a slight pressure to mark all the annual
colors, price $3.91 for a single color.
         Finally pots of marking paint, color coded, dense color, use a
match head to administer, price .92 cents US. The whole set, a lifetimes
supply, only $4.25 at this price they are so expensive I really can't
reccommend them.<G>
        I have had folks tell me "I don't mark my queens as they get
supersceded too quickly" on questioning, they confess to using some obscure
paint not formulated for the job. If you change the smell of a queen then
the bees we almost instantly kill her and then all hell lets loose.
        Use the material designed for the job should be a golden rule!!!!
   * David Eyre          9 Progress Drive, Unit 2,  *
   * The Beeworks,    Orillia, Ontario, L3V 6H1. *
   * [log in to unmask]      705-326-7171 *
   * http://www.muskoka.net/~beeworks           *
   *  Agents for: E H Thorne &  B J Sherriff UK. *