Hi, y'all--
        Am enjoying the thread on nipple topicals and it does seem that
there are the two camps mentioned....
        The moms I find benefit most from Lansinoh (all I use) are those
who have naturally dry skin....
        An article in _Birth_ this past June compared several topicals
and found no statistical difference but said that mothers using *warm
water compresses*  after nursing reported less discomfort on day 4 (the
biggie for all moms) and day 7.
        Seems a middle of the road approach--easy, available and very low
        Just my .02.....
        Karen Zeretzke, MEd, IBCLC
        Baton Rouge, Louisiana
PS  I nursed my last baby at 42-3 and had zero supply problems despite a
very ill muchkin at birth and no baby at breast for first 3 days....did
pump but got little.  We weren't sure if he'd be alive to take what I
pumped---*very* bad scene.  He's 8 now and just fine!