Now I can't say that these are referenced but if I had three things to wish
for my prenatal clients they would be:
   1.  An atmosphere that surrounds the woman with a positive attitude about
breastfeeding a baby.  This would include media and print ads that show the
beauty and caring involved in breastfeeding.  She would be aware that a
mother supplies the milk for her baby, it doesn't come from a bottle.  Her OB
Dr. would introduce the value of breastfeeding and actually talk to her about
her decision, giving her information that is current and based on good

  2.  She would give birth in a place that values the quiet magic of birth.
 She would be given time to touch her baby the baby would be allowed to spend
the time to self attach.  Birth would be mostly done by midwives.

3.  Moms would not feel presured to go back to work or school.  A new mother
and father would have a whole year before they needed to return to work.

Sigh, these are all pie in the sky but you got me wishing.

Linda Rosetti RN, IBCLC
CLarkston, Wa.