I have been involved in projects simulating the behavior of honey bee colonies
based upon the individual behavior of worker bees.  I have collaborated on
several projects with mathematicians and mathematical biologists.  Topics
include modeling of swarm thermoregulation,  nectar foraging, and pattern
formation on the combs.
I would be glad to discuss this work with you further.  You can also access
some information at our web site:   http://www.ento.psu.edu
Scott Camazine
Assistant Professor
Penn State University
Department of Entomology
501 ASI Building
University Park, PA  16802
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From: Discussion of Bee Biology on Mon, Oct 14, 1996 1:31 PM
Subject: Computer Simulation of Bees
To: Multiple recipients of list BEE-L
I am currently starting a PhD project in simulating the social behaviour of
on a computer. In order to create such a computer model, I will require
data on the behaviour of bees. I am particularly interested in any information
available relating to the behaviour of individual bees inside the hive and
interaction with one another.
Does anyone subscribing to this list have access to such information or know
where I might get it from?
I would also like to hear from anyone else involved in simulation or
mathematical modeling of bee hives.
David Sumpter,
Maths Dept, UMIST, Manchester