Doug McCulloch wrote
>I was interested in trying some buckfast queens this past year but learned
>that just because the queen is resistant to the tracheal mite says nothing
>for varroa, and that there is a good possibility of purchasing it with the
>Correct me if I'm wrong, David.
>>I wrote recently regarding Ontario Buckfast breeders, and got swamped for my
>>        To all the folks who wrote asking for information, I just cannot
>>write to you all individually to give you the info and answer all the
>>questions, if would take forever. So I am sending this to the whole list. If
Yes you are correct, this is why some of our Provincial borders are closed
to importation of bees. But any breeder worth his salt would be careful to
ensure it doesn't happen.
        We are fortunate, our bees passsed the mite inspection again this
year. As Varroa is about 20 miles away we are 'hoping' to be clean next year
as well!!!
   * David Eyre          9 Progress Drive, Unit 2,  *
   * The Beeworks,    Orillia, Ontario, L3V 6H1. *
   * [log in to unmask]      705-326-7171 *
   *           *
   *  Agents for: E H Thorne &  B J Sherriff UK. *