re: extended nursing and talking about it after the fact. What a great idea!
  I challenge Child Protective Services to take away my daughter who nursed
until she was four.

BTW, she's now a senior in high school  and has many accomplishments to her
credit including:  3 yrs. on  state championship girls soccer team; varsity
soccer going on 4 yrs.; elected to student council for 5 consecutive  yrs.;
president of student organization to promote tolerance and multi-culturalism;
currently producer of high school TV daily new program.  Teachers have
consistently commented on her self-confidence and leadership ability
beginning when she was a 3 year old in pre-school (little did that teacher
know she was still a nursling!).

I'm sure many of us have similar stories about our "late-weaning" children.
 OK, so it may be just "anecdotal evidence", but let's stand up and be

Mary Cummins, M.Ed.,IBCLC
Private LC practice, Scottsdale, AZ