Regarding the flurry over the MISuse of Mavrik, David Trickett posted:
> ...  I don't see what everyone is so worried about
> however...  After all, there are hordes of lab techs out there
> monitoring the purity of wax and honey... right?
That is PRECISELY! the concern.  If/when one of the hordes of lab
technicians blats to the media that they discovered traces of pesticide
in what is perceived by the public to be a pure and wholesome food, we
beekeepers will be hard pressed to give honey away, let alone sell it
at an acceptable profit!!!  The only way to prevent that dismal day is
to use available products conscientiously, following the label directions
and keeping potential contaminates out of our hives!!!  When it comes to
using Mavrik or leaving Apistan strips in year round, follow the advice
of Bob Dole, "Just don't do it!"  All it will take is one story out of
Mississippi or Maryland about residues showing up in honey, and
beekeepers EVERYWHERE will pay the price for the few beekeepers who are
trying to cut corners by using pesticides produced for uses other than
mite control in bee hives.  We'll all pay for the "frugality" of a few.
Please, for the sake of MY profits and the sake of our industry as a
whole, play by the rules!!!
Aaron Morris - thinking I'll hear it for this one....