As a new hobby beekeeper I have questions about Apistan.  Does it
work as a "fumigant" or does it work by "rubbing off" on bees that
pass by? By the former mechanism, what is the danger of Apistan
residue (after pulling the strips)--if there is any-- in the two bottom
deeps contaminating the honey supers? By the latter mechanism, can
the bees transport Apistan on their bodies to the honey supers?  Also
might the bees move potentially "contaminated" honey from the bottom
deeps to the honey supers, eg to make more room for brood or pollen?
Finally, what are the health dangers of Apistan--they are not
described on the packaging.
     -Allen G. Meek
Allen G. Meek
Department of Radiation Oncology
University Hospital
SUNY Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY  11794-7028
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