Narelle Clark asked for references on BF being protective for SIDS. There's a
consistent trend of 3-5 times higher risk in bottlefed babies. Here's a
bibliography I compiled two years ago on infant sleep, SIDS, and related
issues.  Please credit me if you use it intact.

Adair, R et al.  Reducing night waking in infancy: a primary care
intervention. Pediatrics 1992:89: 585-588.

Alley JM and Rogers, CS.  Sleep patterns of breastfed and nonbreastfed
infants.  Pediatric Nursing Sept. Oct 1986, vol. 12, no. 5, 349-351.

Anderson GC. Risk in mother-infant separation postbirth. Image: Journal of
Nursing Scholarship 21(4), Winter 1989, 196-199.

Apple, Rima D. Mothers and medicine: a social history of infant feeding
1890-1950. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, 1987.

Bahna SL: Milk Allergy in Infancy.  Ann Allergy 1987, 59:131-136.

Bernshaw, Nicole J. Does breastfeeding protect against sudden infant death
syndrome?  J Hum Lact 7(2), 1991, 73-79.

Botroff JL. Persistence in breastfeeding: a phonomenological investigation.
Journal of Advanced Nursing 1009; 15: 201-209.

Brams M and Maloney J. "Nursing bottle caries" in breastfed children.  J Peds
103(3): 415-416, 1983.

Butte N, et al.  Heart rates of breastfed and formula-fed infants.  J Ped
Gastro Nutr 1991-1(2): 79-87.

Cunningham, Allan S. Breastfeeding, bottlefeeding & illness: an annotated
bibliography, 1986.  Australia: Lactation Resource Center, 1988.

Cunningham, Allan S. Breastfeeding, bottlefeeding & illness: an annotated
bibliography, 1990.  Australia: Lactation Resource Center, 1990.

Cunningham Allan S. More on crib death and breastfeeding (letter). J Hum Lact
8(1), 1992, 7-8.

DeCoopman J and Nehring S. Breastfeeding Management for Health Care
Professionals, 1993. Resources for Lactation Professionals, 1900 Covington
Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103.

Di Pietro J, et al.  Behavioral and heart rate pattern differences between
breastfed and bottle-fed neonates.  Develop Psych 1988, 23(4): 467-474

Dinwiddie R, Pitcher-Willmott R, Schwartz JG, Shaffer TH, Fox WW:
Cardiopulmonary changes in the crying neonate. Pediatr Res 12: 900-903, 1979.

Eidelman, AI, Hoffmann NW, Kaitz M: Cognitive deficits in women after
childbirth. Obstet Gynecol 1993; 81: 764-7.

Elias, MF, et al. Sleep/wake patterns of breastfed infants in the first 2
years of life. Pediatrics 1986; 77: 322-329.

Fildes, Valerie. Breasts, bottles and babies: a history of infant feeding.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1986.

Fildes, Valerie. Wet nursing: a history from antiquity to the present. New
York: Basil Blackwell Ltd, 1988.

Fox NA, Porges SW. The relation between neonatal heart period patterns and
developmental outcome. Child Development 1985; 56:28-37.

Freudigman, KA and Thoman EB. Infant sleep during the first postnatal day: an
opportunity for assessment of vulnerability.  Pediatrics 1991; 92:  373-379.

Gantley M, Davies DP, Murcott A.  Sudden infant death syndrome: links with
infant care practices.  Br Med J 1993; 306: 16-20.

Gardner DE, Norwood JR, Eisenson JE. At-will breastfeeding and dental caries:
four case reports. ASDC J Dent Child May-Jun 1977, 1-6.

Glotzbach SF, Edgar DM, Boeddiker M, Ariagno RL. Biological rhythmicity in
normal infants during the first three months of life. Pediatrics 1994; 94:

Harper R, et al.  Developmental patterns of heart rate and heart rate
variability during sleep and waking in normal infants and infants at risk for
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.  Sleep 1982, 5: 28-38.

Harper RM, Hoffman HD, Eds: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Risk Factors and
Basic Mechanisms.  New York: PMA Publishing, 1988, p. 187-201.

Hartmann, P. Breastfeeding: Past, Present & Future.  Presented at 1990 ILCA
Conference in Scottsdale, AZ.  Chicago: FirstTape, Inc.

Hervada AR and Newman Dr. Weaning: historical perspecitves, practical
recommendations, and current controversies. Current Problems in Pediatics
1992; 22(5), 223-241.

Hunziker UA and Barr RG. Increased carrying reduces infant crying: a
randomized controlled trial. Pediatrics 1986; 77: 641-647.

Jacobson B et al. Perinatal origin of adult self-destructive behavior.  Acta
Psychiatr. Scand. 1987: 76, 364-371.

Kahn A et al.  Oculocardiac reflex in near miss for sudden infant death
syndrome infants.  Pediatrics 1983; 71: 49-52.

Kahn A et al.  Prone or supine body position and sleep characteristics in
infants. Pediatrics 1993; 91: 1112-1115.

Kotlow LA. Breastfeeding: a cause of dental caries in children. J Dent Child
May-June 1977, 192-93.

Labbok M and Krasovec K. Toward consistency in breastfeeding definitions.
Stud Fam Plan 1990; 21(4) 226-230.

Lipsitt LP, Reilly BM, Butcher MJ, Greenwood MM: The stability and
interrelationships of newborn sucking and heart rate.  Developmental
Psychobiology 9(4): 305-310, 1974.

Lombardino LJ, Stapell JB, Gerhardt KJ. Evaluating communicative behaviors in
infancy. Journal of Pediatric Healthcare 1987; 1(5): 240-246.

McKenna JJ. Rethinking "healthy" infant sleep. Breastfeeding Abstracts 1993;
12(3), 27.

McKenna JJ, Thoman EB, Anders TF, Sadeh A, Schectman VL and Glotzbach SF.
Pediatric Review: Infant-parent co-sleeping in an evolutionary perspective:
implications for understanding infant sleep development and the sudden infant
death syndrome. Sleep 16(3); 263-282, 1993.

McKenna JJ, Mosko S, Dungy C. and McAninch, J. Sleep and arousal patterns of
co-sleeping human mother-infant pairs: a preliminary physiological study with
implications for the study of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Am J
Physical Anthroplogy 1990; 83: 331-347.

McKenna JJ. SIDS research. Mothering, Winter 1992: 45-51.

Meier P, Anderson GC. Responses of small preterm infants to bottle- and
breastfeeding. MCN Vol 12, March/Apr 1987, 97-103.

Meier P. Bottle- and breastfeeding: effects on transcutaneous oxygen pressure
and temperature in preterm infants.  Nurs Res 37(1) 1988, 36-41.

Mindell JA, Moline ML, Zendell SM, Brown LW and Fry JM. Pediatricians and
sleep disorders: training and practice. Pediatrics 1994; 94: 194-200.

Mitchell EA, Stewart MW, Becroft DM et al.  Results from the first year of
the New Zealand cot death study.  NZ Med J 104: 71-76, 1991.

Montagu, Ashley. Touching: the human significance of the skin.  New York:
Harper and Row, 1971 and 1978.

Newman J. Notes from readers: on Breastfeeding.  Pediatrics Notes, Vol 12,
No. 31, Aug. 4, 1988.

Oberlander T et al.  Short-term effects of feed composition on sleeping and
crying in newborns.  Pediatrics 1992: 90: 733-740.

Osofsky, Joy Doniger. Handbook of Infant Development.  New York: John Wiley &
Sons, 1987.

Pinilla, Teresa and Leann Birch.  Help me make it through the night:
behavioral entrainment of breast-fed infants' sleep patterns.  Pediatrics
1993; 91: 436-444.

Porges SW. Heart rate patterns in neonates: a potential diagnostic window to
the brain. In: Field T, Sostek A (eds) Infants born at risk: physiological,
perceptual, and cognitive processes. NY: Grune & Stratton, 1983.

Royal College of Midwives. Successful Breastfeeding.  London: Royal College
of Midwives.

Sears, William MD.  Nighttime parenting and sudden infant death syndrome.  In
Nighttime Parenting.  Franklin Park IL: La Leche League, 1985.

Short RV. Breastfeeding (contraceptive effect). Scientific American 254(4):
35-41, April 1984.

Small, Meredith F.  A reasonable Sleep.  Discover April 1992, 83-88.

Steinberg LA, et al.  Tryptophan intake influences infants' sleep latency.  J
Nutrition 1992: 122: 1781-1791.

Steingberg LA, et al.  Infant behavior and nutrition: behavioral differnces
among infants fed formula varying in tryptophan.  Social Research and Child
Development J 1989; 6: 165.

Thevenin, Tine. The Family Bed.   Minneapolis: Tine Thevenin, 1976.

Yogman M, Zeisel S.  Diet and sleep patterns in newborn infants.  New England
J of Medicine 1983: 309: 1147-1149.

Zeskind PS, Marshall TR, Goff DM. Rhythmic organization of heart rate in
breastfed and bottle-fed newborn infants.  Early Dev. and Parenting 1992:
Vol. 1 (2), 79-87.

I hope this will be helpful - as more research surfaces, please post to
Lactnet and e-mail me so I can continue to compile this bibliography.

Linda Smith, BSE, FACCE, IBCLC - Dayton OH - private practice. Check out my
web site for Bright Future Lactation Resource Center -