Several folks have made numerous recommendations (myself included)
about your data base question. One thing none of us has pointed out
is this: If you have been using an older machine (a Mac SE or a 286
PC, for instance) or if you inherited a new machine designed
primarily for everyday "office" type use, you should know that all
these programs and combos take BIG memory. I think I recall your
saying you got a Pentium machine. That's a good sign. But I strongly
recommend if you plan to run FoxPro, or evenm Filemaker linked to MS
Office Pro (a good combo, by the way), you had better have at least
16 MEG, and preferably 24 or better. If you want to store graphics
with your files, get even more RAM and make sure you have at least a
gig of hard disk with a good back-up system like a Syquest or Zip
drive. Just didn't want you to be shocked when you try to open MS
Word, or FoxPro, and your computer enters a long dream-state followed
by melt-down.