Dear Friends of Preservation:
As we reported to you last week, the House of Representatives passed yet
 H.R. 4236, the "Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Act."  The bill included
reauthorization of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.  The bill
now goes to the Senate.  Word from the Hill is that the Senate may take it up
today, but it may be later in the week for reasons that are only known to
those inside the Beltway.  In any event, it is critical that you continue to
contact your individual Senators and encourage them to support H.R. 4236.
PLEASE, it ain't over 'tll the Fat Lady sings!!!
 You can reach your Senators through the Capitol Switchboard, 224-3121.  If
you hear that anyone is opposed to the bill, please let me or Loretta Neumann
([log in to unmask]) know right away so we can try to deal with it
as quickly as possible.  Thank you for your help!
Chuck Niquette