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Date: 96-10-02 10:07:11 EDT
Good morning everyone...I think.
The Senate recovened yesterday and was still ensnarled in a test of wills
over a labor provision in the FAA reauthorization bill.  This should again
tie up the Senate for most of the day, but the omnimbus parks bill could be
brought up if Sen. Murkowski, Senate Democrats, and the administration can
work out their differences.  Murkowski is still pushing for assurances that
some logging would continue in the Tongass National Forest.  Senate Minority
Leader Daschle called for Murkowski to back off and withdraw his objections,
claiming that the parks bill in its current form has broad Senate support.
There is no question that the House-passed version of the bill would
overwhelmingly pass the Senate, but so long as Murkowski objects to the bill
it ain't going anywhere.
As I mentioned to some of you yesterday, the Senate is compelled to take up
the House-passed bill without adding amendments, because it is extremely
unlikely the House--all but formally adjourned with many members out of
town--would return to take up a Senate-amended bill.  The House is meeting in
a pro forma session this week until Congress adjourns.
I believe that Republican Senators want to see this bill passed and signed
into law.  The last thing Republicans can afford now is to appear
"anti-environment" with only weeks before the election.  The problem is
getting Murkowski to release the bill in its presnet form and let it go to
the floor for a up or down vote.  The message from the public to Republican
Senators should be; "tell Murkowski to release the bill now!"
I'll be in touch when something happens.
Mark your calendar for
April 2-6, 1997
The Society for American Archaeology
62nd Annual Meeting
Opryland Hotel - Nashville, Tennessee