Sue -- I have not read anything useful on this subject but my personal
experience may help.  After c-section birth of my son (1st child) developed
severe arthritic symptoms in hands, wrists and feet.  By the time he was
three months old I had learned to lift him by sliding my wrists under his
armpits to avoid pressure on my thumb joints.  Rheumatologist was sure I had
developed r.a., despite two negative blood tests.  Internist was sure it was
lupus, especially as blood test came back with marginal results.  (Discovered
later that that is not unusual in early p.p. period.)

I found aspirin brought best relief with the least side effects.  Also took
ketoprofen and various other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories constantly.

I was still having significant pain when he was two.  My right wrist had to
be splinted at night.  We were not having fun.

All specialists I saw would make vague mention that this was a postpartum
syndrome (which didn't mean it would clear up -- just meant it was triggered
by pregnancy/delivery).  One made an attempt at explaining by implying some
crossover of my son's blood to me during delivery.


When my son was 2-1/2 I had my tonsils out.  They had been rotten for years
and I was on near-constant antibiotic.  Low-grade fever most days even on
antibiotic.  But it's hard in current climate to find an ENT who will do
tonsillectomy until you are obviously beyond help of non-surgical treatments.
 Went off arthritis meds as couldn't take on empty stomach.  And never went
back on them.

I have no explanation but the arthritis subsided to an insignificant level
when my tonsils were out.  I still have occasional problems but nothing like
the extent experienced in that postpartum period.

Joanna Koch IBCLC in Los Altos, CA