I will follow the words of the old drone with coments from and even
older drone. While in California I never put on a veil unless I hit a bad hive
or the honey flow stopped. That is, the bees became vicious. I usually wore a
straw hat with the veil tied above the brim. I never owned a pair of bee gloves
or a bee suit. Levis and a tee shirt worked just fine.
        When I came to Hawaii I learned to put on a veil and a bee suit right
away. Oh, once in a while I would open a hive while still wearing shorts and no
veil and if I move very slowly and use adequate smoke it may be safe. I am sure
that it is the climate here that makes the difference. Apparently the honey only
comes in in the morning and I don't even think about going into the bees in the
afternoon. It is too disruptive of their lives and my comfort.