I was asked to forward the following along to everyone I knew.  What matches
the theme of "Trusting Imagination" more than ap?  Please forward this to
people you think might be interested.

Zion United Church of Christ, of Henderson, Kentucky, an open and affirming,
inclusive language just/peace intentional community, is looking for banners
for an exhibit, Trusting Imagination.  The exhibit will be shown during their
Peace With Justice Week '96, October 17-20, 1996.  This will become a
national touring exhibit celebrating the role of creativity, imagination, and
artistic expression within the struggle for peace and justice.
Fabric panels should be 60 inches tall and 24 inches wide.  Use one or both
sides.  Use paint, ribbon, buttons, words, photos - any thing goes - sew,
quilt, draw, cut, paste, etc.  Panels can show realism, abstract, weird,
funny or silly.  Create with a smile.  Teach peace.  Trust your imagination.
 Do justice.  Tell a story or don't.  It's up to you.  Make them sturdy for
travel.  Include your name/organization's name and city, state and country.
 The date might be nice.
Mail our "trusting imagination" panels or requests to be a viewing site for
the exhibit (available beginning November 1996) to:

Trusting Imagination Exhibit
Peace With Justice Week '96
c/o The Paff Haus at Zion UCC
435 First Street
Henderson, KY 42420

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