Hi all,

I've been promising to post or publish some of my writings, factoids, etc.
for  months.   Check out my brand new web site:
http://www.bflrc.com/bflrc.htm.  The bflrc stands for Bright Future Lactation
Resource Center, the name of my private practice. My husband has been working
on the technical side of things for a month. We'll be updating it with new
stuff several times a month. Some items are down-loadable and usable
immediately. Some you'll recognize as past Lactnet posts, with some editing.
The "Knack of Hand Expression" is there for those of you who have been
wanting to use it.  Please send feedback on what is and isn't useful in your

Those of you who already have lactation-related web sites - please e-mail me
privately to discuss mutual hot-links.  Thanks.

Linda Smith, private practice in Dayton OH
web site: http://www/bflrc.com/bflrc/htm
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