Further to the discussion of anaemia (anemia to our US readers) and
insufficient milk.  Catherine Fetherston, Perth Australia presented
her study of risk factors for mastitis at the ALCA
Conference in Hobart.  She reported on three variables excluded from
the logistic regression because of low numbers of cases (<10%).  Of
ten women in the study who reported having anaemia, eight developed
mastitis.  Given the reluctance to do blood transfusions these days,
we see more women going home from hospital anaemic after postpartum
blood loss.   I personally think that Sheehan's syndrome is very
rare, and that we are seeing other effects on lactation caused by
either blood loss or anaemia.  I think this area needs further

The other two excluded variables?  Ten women reported using a nipple
airer, nine of whom developed mastisis.  Five reported the baby had a
tied frenulum, all five developed mastitis.

Ros Escott
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