This is the final edition of Names People Call Us.
I think the list is quite extensive although I'm sure there are even more
names you may have been called.  The main use I see from these is to affirm
that we are all in a society that views what we do with a variety of intense
feelings, many which are negative or questioning.  I know I felt a lot better
when I would find out at conferences and meetings that others were scoffed
at, teased in nasty ways and generally put-down.  I never felt like I was a
radical person, and was often hurt by the vehemence of some peoples angry
attacks.  Lets help all our new colleges know this is par for the course.
 We've all been there.

Cute/Neutral/Funny              Negative/Hurtful
Lacto-Lady                      Nipple Nazi
Boob-Lady                       Fanatic
Dairy Queen / Nurse             Too political
Milk Maid / Lady / Nurse        Guilt maker
Titty Tutor                     Lactation communist
Breast doctor                   Lactophile
Milk fairy                      Nipple twisters
Breast fairy                    Extremist
Guardian angel for babies       Zealot
Lactition                       formula-phile
Lactating consultant            "Lactivism"
La Leechie League woman
The Chi-chi lady ( Spanish slang for titty)
Breast pump lady--breast pump fairy
Location conlsultant
Breastfeeding therapist
Laceration nurse ???  (ouch!)
Breastest lady
Lactologist  as in "I have to hang up now my Lactologist is here"
Titty nurse
Lactating nurse
La Leche League "SWAT TEAM" (said by a grateful dad when they arrived)
Head of the Tittie Committee
Boob Expert
Zealot and Granny Zealot (Love it Linda!)
La Policia d tete = Titty Police (was used in a neutral, fun way)
Fairy godmother
Tit fairy
Miss Mammary

Now ya'll didn't know this was a contest, weeeellllllll not reallyt, but
life's not fair, so I'll
surprise you.

AND THE WINNER (drum roll please with trumpets) Ta-ta-ta-taaaaaaaaaa----AND


Linda may we all refer to ourselves as "Human Milk Representatives"?  What a
wonderful designation. I am going to call myself that from now on.  It would
even be good on a nametag.

"When the tides of life turn against you.
And the current upsets your boat.
Don't waste those tears on what might have been,
Just lie on your back and float."
                  ---Ed Norton,  The Honeymooners

Jane Bradshaw, RN, IBCLC
Private Practice, Lynchburg, VA