Hi. My name is melissa cosser. new to lactnet (cosser. [log in to unmask])
I am the lc at a hospital in central new work. WE are a teching hospital,
Level III NICU and high risk ob (15 county referral area.)  we serve a
demographically diverse population--consequently, we see a  little bit of
everything. I am finding lactnet to be fascinating, and feel like a giant
sponge soaking up all the very valuable bits of info that spew out of my

a couple quick questions (and my apologies if these issues have been recently
discussed on lactnet and I just missed them)

1.  I commonly find that mothers who start pumping because their  babies are
premies, etc. and unable to nurse, often get 1/2 to 1 ounce of colostrum the
very first time they pump (regardless of gestational age of baby) and then for
next couple days get essentially nothing.
2.  any good refereneces on kangaroo pump feedings and breast milk handling,
for example, how long it can be out, any particular hints to ensure consistent
fat mix, etc.