
I would like to know about LactChat.  Please send me information.  ThanX!

Pardee Hinson, MPH, IBCLC
[log in to unmask]

At 12:33 PM 9/7/96 -0400, you wrote:
>You are invited to join a chat session tonight Saturday Sept 7
>at 9:00 pm (EST) on dalnet server.  The channel to join is
>If you need more  info, e mail me asap!  Hope to see you there.
>*           Cindy  RN, IBCLC                   ~
>~            Virginia , USA                    *
>*          [log in to unmask]                    ~
>~         *
>*                                              ~
>"It is dangerous to be right on a subject on which the
>established authorities are wrong." (Voltaire)