At 08:26 AM 9/9/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Hey kids,
>        I often find ticks on me after working in the bee yards. I have
>heard that dusting your ankles with sulfer will help keep them off. Has
>anyone tried this or have any other repellants?
>Also, what tricks do you use to remove ticks once the have you to be their
>new home?
>Ticked off in Florida...
>God Bless,
>Kelley Rosenlund  [log in to unmask]
>Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., Phone:352-378-7510
>200 hives, 1 year in beekeeping.
The same thing we use to get rid of chiggers works well for getting rid of
ticks: plain old Vicks Salve or Mentholatum Rub. Just dab it on the ticks
and they can't breath, so they let go. Camphor also works well by itself.
Lots o' luck!
Betty B
We are like kids' art on God's refrigerator.