As usual, as soon as a thread is started, I run into simular problems....So
I wasn't suprised when a first time mom showed me the salmon colored stain
in her son's fairly wet diaper. This mom is heavily supplementing so it
would be hard for me think dehydration. (Why she is heavily supplementing is
another story) We usually are quite dismisive of crystals, if everything
else is ok. I cannot remeber a baby who was in trouble because of this, so I
am following the posts to see if I should be less laid back about the whole
phenonema. Love from the "fanatic zitzi nurse" who was told that she was
exaggerating when she wore her "did you ever see a smart cow" button. Thanks
to Evi I have a new supply of buttons and am trying to outdo coach Smith
with a new button a day.
Name: Toby Gish R.N.LLLL.IBCLC
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"What is essential is invisible to the eye..."
    Antoine De Saint-Exupery