>>Lisa Marasco and others- How do you allow "trial periods" of the PIS? I
think that's a great idea, but wondered how.<<

I allow moms to try the pump out briefly in my office. We'll go through the
manual, the lactina, the PNS, the NurIII, and she is able to see how each
works on her and how comfortable she is with each.  *Then*, she makes her
selection. I have parts that I reuse---- I rinse with cold water first, then
wash in hot soapy water, then boil in water in a covered pot with a little
vinegar for 20 minutes, then air dry. The literature that I have on hand
shows that this should be more than adequate--- I can't imagine anything
living through all that and still be able to contaminate the next trial.
Mothers are told in advance of my sterility procedures so that, should
someone not feel comfortable, they could decline the pump trial.  When you
consider that doctors use metal instruments with multiple patients that have
been briefly washed and then tossed in alcohol to soak......................

-Lisa Marasco, BA, LLLL, IBCLC