In a message dated 96-09-04 19:17:49 EDT, you write:

<<  She also
 told me that she thought that women who breastfeed that long probably got
 some sort of sexual pleasure out of it and it should be considered child
 sexual abuse. >>
I swear today I was in MacDonald's with my 2 yr old, and all the other
mothers with babies had bottles to feed them and some were talking about how
their babies were great 4 hr feeders.  I thought to myself "I hope mine
doesn't ask to nurse - these are just the people that would report it as
sexual abuse."  I have been telling her that there are too many people here
and generally she can wait.  Seems a shame, but I would rather not take a
chance losing her, if only for a day, as someone recently described such an
expereince..  A friend of mine told me that when her children were nursing at
3 or 4 yrs old, she didn't go out much because of same attitudes.

laurie wheeler