A mom-to-be has contacted me about the safety of Klonopin (clonazepam), which
she has been taking to control panic attacks. She has reduced her dosage from
1.5 mg daily to 0.5 mg from 1 to 3 times a week during her pregnancy. She has
received conflicting advice (surprise!) from all the "experts" she has
contacted. The "breastfeeding specialist" at her HMO told her to not even
consider breastfeeding while taking this drug at any level. LLL has told her
that there is no definitive info out there based on her dosage.  I am
embarassed to say that I have not yet purchased Tom Hale's new book, so I
don't know what the latest recommendation is. I hope that someone can answer
this for me, as mom is due any day and she really wants to breastfeed. I
promise to put in an order for Dr. Hale's new book right now! :-)