> thank you for the letter regarding  smoking a nd mean bees. I have
> been upset with two of my three hives for they are very excitable. I
> am usually well clothed and still get a few stings through my
> clothes at some undesirable point.(smart little devils) My bee hives
> are downhill from my approach through pine woods. At a distance of
> about fifteen feet their guards intercept me, and gradually their
> army respond even before I open the hives. Usually I am carrying a
> smoker using a combination of white pine needles and dried grasss
> mowings.
 What might I be doing that would develop such strong
> protective habits ??
Thanks for the reply and the kind words.
I'm sending my reply to the list, since it is a topic of perennial
interst, and maybe I've forgotten one or two reasons.  Hope that
maybe we can hit on the reason for your bes being unusually hot.
Well, there are many reasons bees can become mean:
* Genetics -- AHB stock or such takes over a hive
* Shade -- too cool a location
* Predators -- ants and or skunks (wasps too)  will make bees defensive
* Dearth -- If the bees are starving, or they have no work, they will
become much harder to work
* Robbing -- if the hive is under assault from other hives, they can
be *very* hostile
* Chemical pollution -- reports are that bees sprayed or near
pesticide and or herbicide applications can be vicious
* nectar source -- bees working buckwheat are reputed to be very hot.
 The reason is apparently that the flowers only yield nectar for a short
period during the day
* Smoking technique or fuel -- too hot a smoke will inflame your
bees.  Burlap (hessian) is the world's most popular fuel, according
to what I read on this group.  Reasons are: universal availability,
ease of lighting, dense, & long lasting smoke.
Can anyone add to this?
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper                                         VE6CFK
RR#1, Swalwell, Alberta  Canada T0M 1Y0
Internet:[log in to unmask] & [log in to unmask]
Honey. Bees, & Art <http://www.internode.net/~allend/>