On Thu, 5 Sep 1996, Allen Dick wrote:
> >      but now someone
> >      has told me, since they didn't draw it this year, they never
> >      will. I can see that if it was heavily trafficked, but it
> >      wasn't. I hate the thought of replacing all that foundation.
> Best solution is not to give tto much at once, and not to oversuper
> with foundation.
> Or use plastic foundation.
I have heard that a lot...about bees not liking plastic
foundation...eg..Plasticell.....But I have had no problem getting it drawn
as long as there's a good nectar flow and/or feeding....
Plus...Plasticell is good because after the combs get damaged or
whatever..you can just scrape off the comb..and let the bees start
                          Ian Watson
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