You obviously are familiar with Kofi Agrosah's excavations and surveys
of Jamaican Maroon sites. You should also know that there is a very
large ethnographic/ historical/literary/oral historical literature on
Maroon communities, and Kofi is presently doing some work in Trinidad
and Guyana. His most recent book is called Maroon heritage:
Archaeological, Ethnographic and Historical Perspectives (Canoe Press,
University of the West Indies, Jamaica. It has a good bibliography.
The joy of this book is that it is a collection of papers by scholars,
literary figures, and Maroon leaders who came together to jointly
explore Maroon heritage in a public forum. This was not focused
primarily on material culture, but it was a great excercise in public
interpretation, and many of the papers discuss material objects of
particular importance to Maroon culture. Good luck with your quest.
Dan Mouer
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