A friend of mine just delivered a week ago and her midwives are suggesting
that she go on a combo pill. They assured her that although BEFORE it was
thought that there were adverse effects on milk supply- THEY (?) now know
that it is not as adverse as it was thought to be. I have been out of the
loop for a year (returned to school) but this is new on me. Did I miss
something?  Does anyone know what "new research" they might be referring to?

Wendy Knighton

 P.S. Don't panic - she is following my suggestion of non hormonal
alternatives. After all,  she had an RN tell her to supplement at the
hospital and the pediatric PA try to give her formula samples "just in case"
for her 8-12 son who nursed beautifully within minutes of birth. And I
thought that I had made progress in the three years I worked as an LC there
- sigh.